A/C and HEAT

When auto air conditioning systems break down, refrigerant leaks. Not only is refrigerant harmful to the environment, it's also harmful to your car. Leaking refrigerant can damage your vehicle's evaporator and compressor. Getting a car air conditioner service at the first sign of trouble will save you both money and time.

Air conditioning services performed by the experts at SS MotorTrendz include:
— Testing of air conditioning system for refrigerant leaks and interior cabin temperature
— Restoring proper system refrigerant and lubrication levels
— Restoring interior cooling ability

Why is it important to maintain my car air conditioning system?
— Regular A/C maintenance enables proper system refrigerant and lubrication levels to be met
— When proper system refrigerant and lubrication levels are met, the risk of premature compressor failure decreases
— Allows desired interior cabin temperature to be achieved

If you are experiencing any of the above problems, contact us to schedule a A/C check.